Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When you die?..

Do you ever wonder what really happens when you die?.. Sure most people think we all go to heaven; but has anyone ever wondered what exactly that process entails of. I mean is it really that simple? Do we just float up to heaven and wait in a ridiculously long line pondering the thoughts of our last few moments spent on earth until we reach the gates of heaven. Or possibly be like riding a roller coaster through space; traveling so fast it could only be described as something you would see in a Sci-fi movie. Or maybe; just maybe, we don’t leave earth at all. Now I want you to think about this for a little bit. Imagine at the point of your death you warp to another realm. Everything seems fine at first; after all it closely resembles earth minus the hint of any western civilization. It’s just you in an open field on a wonderful sunny day. To the north of you lies an endless ocean of grass dancing as the winds blow from the forest behind you. As you’re spinning around in circles of joy celebrating the greatness of your new home you notice a dark figure flying towards you off in the distance. You take a couple steps forward for a better look. Whatever it is, it’s traveling extremely fast! As the flying object starts to become visible strange noises begin to come from the forest. One of them a distinctive yell “RUN… SHES GOING TO GET YOU!” without question you book it to the tree line. Running full sprint from the unknown threat, you take a moment to look back; it was a dark ferocious dragon coming in for a swipe as you dive head first into the thick brush of the gloomy forest. The dragon circling above fly’s around for a couple minutes then flees. “Phew, that was close” a squeaky child like voice shouts. “Who’s there” you ask frightened of what might appear. A squirrel drops from the tree above you and lands before your feet. “I’m sorry sir, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Edward of Mount Sinai” Well Edward It’s nice to meet you. Where you the one who saved my life? “Hehe there is no life here; only soul; If I hadn’t of told you to run ha-satan’s dragon would have taken your soul” ha-satan?..Satan! THE SATAN? “I take it you have heard of him. Come with me El Shaddai with explain everything.”